Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Today was a lovely day for a walk in the park, so Liberty, my dog; Chandler, my brother; and I all walked around West Park. I left my camera in the van so I had to use my phone’s camera, which is not my favorite camera, but it worked for today. We didn’t walk for long because I’m really not feeling very well right now. I can’t tell if it is really bad allergies or a cold. Anyways it was a perfect day for a walk and so as we walked I thanked the LORD for everything I could think of in that moment. I love being out in the summer weather. I would like it even more if I didn’t sweat. In ballet class we didn’t say that someone looked sweaty we just said that there skin glistened. It sounds much more eloquent to say glisten rather than sweat. Well I have eight more days until school starts and honestly I am kind of ready for school to start. When school starts there is normalcy in my life, which I like a lot. In the fall there are football games, my birthday, pumpkin carving, changing leaves, Thanksgiving, my mom’s birthday, my parent’s anniversary, apple cider, bonfires, wagon rides, and cute layered outfits! I am excited for fall! Yesterday my mom and I were talking about my eighteenth birthday. I really am excited for it because it is going to add my love for mysteries with my love for balls. (When I say “ball” I mean like Cinderella’s ball or a gala not something that is rounded and you throw it.) It will be a beautiful, yet mysterious night. Well other than that I did go to Symphony on the Prairie again. This time it was with two of my friends and all of our moms. I love going to Symphony on the Prairie although it wouldn’t be possible for me to go if it wasn’t for my thoughtful friend Anna and her gracious mom. I thoroughly enjoy listening to the music, swing dancing, eating the best kettle corn in the whole world, and talking to all my crazy friends. I truly feel blessed to have such wonderful people as my friends. Recently Anna and I have had time to talk more and she completely understands me and is always there to encourage me. I absolutely love her to death. I don’t know what I’d do without her.

I hope you all have a glorious day,

Taylor Good  
Random facts:
1) When you laugh while being tickled it is actually a form of panic.
2)The "Sandbox Tree" is a tree covered in spikes. When its fruit falls it hits a spike whereby it explodes sending sharp seeds 100 feet at 150 mph!
3) 45% of Americans are unaware that the sun is a star
4)It is possible to win Monopoly in 21 seconds. This super short game should only happen every 253,899,891,671,040 games.
5) Japan voted Ramen noodles as their greatest 20th century invention.
I was accepted to another college!! Yea!!


Friday, 23 August 2013


Friday, August 23, 2013

I realized that I had forgotten to blog about a couple things in my last post so let me just try and catch you up a little bit. First of all I learned that if you spill hot wax on your hand olive oil, a nail brush, and hot water will help you get it off. (But remember at first to run it under cold water) Second I had so much fun going to Symphony on the Prairie on the Saturday before my friends classes started.

Recently I arm knit a scarf, made an apple pie, and worked on fixing up our house. Now that my dad is back from Canada our house is getting some much needed attention and repairs that were delayed because of him being gone. I also have found great joy in baking things I’ve never made before. I made Germen pancakes and Italian skewers and all kinds of other things.

Hope you’re enjoying the end of summer and anticipating some great fall weather.

Taylor Good



Favorite music right now: Anything sung by Julie Andrews; Symphonic music

Favorite color: Emerald Green

Favorite season: Summer

Favorite holiday: Christmas

Favorite food: mangoes

Favorite movies: Courageous; again I really like things with Julie Andrews

Favorite T.V. show: Gilmore Girls

Favorite thing to do with free time: try something new; journal