Friday, 31 August 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012

Have you ever desired to live in your refrigerator?  Since my parents decided to save some money by turning off the air conditioning, I would kill for a night in the refrigerator. I feel as though I could take a shower hourly and still not become cooled off and unsweaty.

Today I didn’t do any school work, but instead went grocery shopping with my mom and then took my brother and sister to the Family Christian Bookstore. On Wednesday I took my siblings to Dairy Queen. It was the first time I drove the car without an adult. We obviously made it there and back safely. It was a new door of freedom. At first I claimed that I would never leave the house without an adult, but that didn’t last more than a couple of hours. It is wonderful to have the freedom to drive places and because my dad is not home I have been claiming his car as my own.

Normally we don’t do anything over Labor Day weekend to celebrate, but this year we were invited over for dinner and a birthday celebration on Sunday and either lunch or dinner on Monday. Daddy will also be home hopefully sometime before I go to bed tonight. Right now he is stuck in Labor Day traffic. Ugh!

I just got the Jamie Grace “One Song at a Time” CD and the Britt Nicole “Gold” CD. I have been waiting for them to go on sale. I absolutely LOVE Britt Nicole for both her words and music. I like Jamie Grace’s lyrics, but she is still too new for me to know whether I “LOVE” her or not. I have been listening to them constantly since I brought them home from the store, but I put them on my I-pod then I dropped my I-pod in the water while doing dishes. I think my I-pod is now officially done for. It is flickering on and off and won’t respond to my touch. I guess I did really want an I-phone although I haven’t saved up enough for one right now. I don’t know what I’m going to do.

Tonight we went to the pool for probably the last time in summer 2012. L Summer is officially ending and it is quite sad since summer is my absolute favorite season. I am looking forward to the scents of fall, fall traditions, and my 17th birthday. It is hard to believe I am going to be 17 this October. Just one year away from being considered an adult! Yikes!! I’m trying not to wish this time away, but it is going quicker than I ever imagined.
 My 1st drive...alone!!!

Well time for a Friday night movie with popcorn!!! J


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