Sunday 31 March 2013

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Today is Easter! He is risen! He is risen indeed! Today we put on our Easter dresses and headed to our church for Easter morning breakfast. I was so excited for this morning that I kept waking up last night hoping that it was morning. We haven’t done anything extraordinary today, but just knowing that my Savior has risen from the dead is enough to make me overflow with joy and exuberance.

     I wish I could say that today has been one of those most perfect days that you remember forever, but that wouldn’t be the whole truth. Just because the day started out sort of how I had planned, doesn’t mean it is ending well. I wanted to be one hundred percent focused on God today, but have ended up selfishly mourning the loss of a dear friend of mine. Even though I foresaw this friendship coming to an end, there was nothing that could have prepared me for the pain and tears that followed. I want to be confident that this was the best decision, but I have this feeling deep down that just doesn’t feel right. I need to remember that God has a plan for this and if he wants us to be friends, he will bring us back together again otherwise I need to focus on becoming more like Christ. I don’t normally ask for prayer about things like this publicly, but right now it would be most appreciated. Thank you!

I hope that this Easter day finds you in good spirits and praise the Lord that He is risen!

Taylor Good

Monday 25 March 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013 (Tuesday, March 26, 2013)

Today we had no school! It has snowed so much that school was canceled today. Of course Friday will be a rough day because that is the day we are going to use to make up for the snow day, but oh well. I am just thankful to not have had to wake up early.

So much has happened in so little time. I performed in a musical “Anne of Green Gables” a little over a week ago. Thankfully with God’s help we made it through three nights of performance all alive and well. I want to say thank you to all of you who came and supported us. It means a lot to have people come and watch us after we spend countless hours working on memorization, singing, lighting, stage crew, piano playing and so much more. God answered many of our prayers just in time for the play. First of all we didn’t have a pianist, that wasn’t on bed rest, until the week before the play and the microphones worked only half of the time, so everyone continued to pray and by God’s grace we made it through. It is terribly saddening to think that I won’t see most of these wonderful people until next year. Of course there will be a cast party next Monday so I will have one more chance to see my dear friends.

As some of you may know my cousin’s grandfather passed away this week, so our family went to pay our respects. Hopefully we were able to be of some comfort and consolation to them and their grieving family members. I seem to never know what to say to family members who have just lost a loved one, so I give them a hug and pray for them. Honestly sometimes it is hard to know the right words to say and so occasionally I share all the emotions and feelings I cannot express in words by simply giving a hug.

After the funeral our grandparents took us up to their house for the weekend. My parents needed the weekend alone to plan and prepare for this upcoming year. We had a lot of fun up at grandpa and grandma’s house and as usual we were spoiled to death with sweet treats, eating out at restaurants, going to the movie theatre, and having a lot of TV/I-pod/computer/Wii time. Thank you grandpa and grandma for a wonderful weekend. I absolutely loved playing Boogle and those crab cake things were undeniably delicious. I love you both and can’t wait to see you again!

Tonight our family went to a Pacer’s game. They won 100 to 9?. I can’t remember the exact score of the other team. I’m not a big basketball fan, so I wasn’t excited to go to the game tonight, but getting to spend time with my family and getting to eat Dippin’ Dots made up for it. Some friends of ours were seating next to us, which also made it a little bit more enjoyable. When we came home tonight I wanted to quickly get ready for school tomorrow and then get ready to go to bed, but God had different plans. The water heater was not working at all. Go figure. I got my school books together and then had to figure out how in the world I was going to take a shower because I cannot fall asleep without at least a clean face and hair. I went downstairs and boiled some water on the stove to shave with and the rest of my shower was FREEZING COLD. My head got so cold I had a headache. It felt like the worst brain freeze ever. Thankfully I have a very warm hairdryer, which I used all over myself after the icy shower. It took twice as long to get ready for bed tonight because of this set back, but it was nothing I couldn’t work with. All I can say is thank the Lord for water, stoves, hairdryers, and most importantly a new water heater that my dad is installing right now at 1:00a.m. My dad probably won’t get much sleep tonight if any because his flight leaves really early this morning. Well it is far past my bedtime and is now Tuesday rather than Monday so I shall say goodnight to you or to some of you good morning.

Taylor Good