Friday 21 December 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas is just four days away!!! I am exuberant with joy and excitement. This is the time of the year when we celebrate our Savior’s birth and remember why he came here. This Sunday I would like to invite all of you to come to our church. Here is their website…

Our service starts at 10 a.m. on Sunday morning. Feel free to come and worship the Savior’s birth.

     This Sunday after church my mom’s side of the family is coming down to celebrate Christmas. So we are attempting to clean our house for them.

     Last night was our first snow. There was ice blowing sideways and it was quite terrible driving home since there was little visibility, but I made it home safe and sound. Today my dad took me into an open parking lot where I practiced driving on ice. It was fun and frightening all at the same time. Then my dad took me out on a date for lunch. We went and ate sushi at a place in Clay Terrace. It was absolutely delectable. Tonight I am going caroling and to a girl’s sleepover. I can’t wait. This reminds me, I still need to pack for it.

     Some of you may know that my body is not functioning as well as it should, so I had some blood tests done. The results came back today and said that I have a food sensitivity to milk, wheat, peanuts, and oats. Also I have been taking Magnesium, a Pro-Biotic, and Iron Free Vitamins, which have all been really helping.  Thankfully I have found a doctor that is actually helping me and not just doing quick fixes that don’t really last or work. I feel the best I have felt in years, except for the fact that I have a slight cold from my brother.

     To finish off this blog post I would like to mention that I finally posted up my Thanksgiving video now that a month has gone by. I know it was greatly delayed, but my studies in school always come before blogging and video making.






Starbucks Coffee got its name from a character in the book Moby Dick named Starbuck, who drinks a lot of coffee.


The idea of a Christmas tree originated in Germany


A friend of mine described a candy cane as…

A cane… but candy. Hard candy that tastes like peppermint or fruit, but never like dirt or brussell sprouts, usually decorated with stripes, but  never polka dots. (now there’s an idea)


Another friend of mine said the best gift they bought for someone else was…

A little fake Christmas tree with fake money pinned to it. She gave it to her dad and proved to him that money really does grow on trees.

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