Wednesday 26 December 2012

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Caught in a blizzard! Today it is snowing so much that they are calling it a blizzard. We cancelled piano lessons today because of the snow. Yes!!! If you know me, you know that I like knowing how to play piano, but practicing is a whole other story. My puppy loves the snow and can’t get enough of it. My brothers and sister are also enjoying the frosty flakes. I have a sinus infection so I’m staying warm indoors.

      Just heard a great song by toby mac called “Steal my Show.” You should look it up if you haven’t heard it yet.

      Okay so yesterday was Christmas! It was just as wonderful as when I was younger. Friends and family gather around the Christmas tree, reading the Christmas story, love and smiles fill the air, everyone giving of themselves to make it better for someone else, fire crackling and Christmas carols playing in the background, peppermint filling the air, fleece and fur pajamas and blankets to keep warm, wrapping paper going flying through the air, cameras flashing to capture that surprised facial expression, laughter and gaiety from the hearts of many; Oh this is Christmas! It definitely is the best time of the year! I hope the Christmas time finds you all in good spirits!

Back row of four: Justin- Jamie- Taylor- Autumn
Front row of three: Chandler- Amanda- Grayson

There will be a Christmas video some day with all the pictures. Hopefully it will be put up sooner then my Thanksgiving video got put up.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Princess Rodalia,
    I just now got to read your blog. Gee , I am so slow. We have been home from our Florida vacation for 1 week. We are back in our old routine, Florida was very nice with 70 - 83* . Lots of sun shine and only 1/2 day of rain. The rest was sunny and warm. Nothing but shorts and tank tops. How beautiful. Of course we had the Good family come for a week and had lots of fun, That is always special to have them come visit us. See you in grandma R.
