Sunday 26 May 2013

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Well I had hoped that after school was over I would have more time to blog, but actually the opposite has happened. My schedule is so booked up this summer that I don’t know how I’m going to come out of it alive. Now before I get too far into talking about things that have happened recently, I want to go back and talk a little bit about that dinner I took my friend to.

          If you know me, you know that I am very adventurous when it comes to food. I am always trying new kinds of foods from all around the world. Anytime I can try food from another country I will. When I took my friend out to dinner we stopped to eat at an authentic Korean restaurant. Neither one of us girls had ever tried Korean food, so this was quite the adventure. Originally we were going to try something really different, but the waitress said we wouldn’t like it because it was an acquired taste, so we ordered something else. We didn’t want to offend the waiters and waitresses when they brought the food out to us, so we asked how we were supposed to eat the food because instead of just giving us one main entrée they served us ten smaller plates with food before serving us our main entrée, teriyaki chicken sauté. All I can say is hopefully we were not a disgrace to the restaurant, but rather some good comic relief to the waiters and waitresses serving us, uncultured teenagers, the food.

Well I officially finished another year of school with straight “A’s”!!!! YEA!!! Also, I AM OFFICIALLY A SENIOR!!! I want to be overly excited at how far I’ve come, but I’m realizing that senior year may be one of the most stressful years of high school. I hope I’m wrong about that though. I also realized that in my previous blog post I had said that there were over 400 questions on the Latin exam, but I just looked at the test again and realized that there are over 700 questions. Opps, I was only off by 300 questions! J And that is what finals week can do to you.

          Now on to more recent activities…

I have gone shopping more this past week than I did over the whole school year combined. I am specifically looking for outfits I can wear in senior year pictures, graduation, open houses, and a few essentials missing from my wardrobe. I realized that only two out of my ten skirts actually fit me, now that I’ve gone on this gluten free, dairy free, peanut free, oat free, and processed meat free diet. I’m not sure how much more you could cut out of a person’s diet and them still be able to live a healthy life. I’m not even as strict as I should be with this diet, but when I follow it I feel energized, renewed, and full of life and energy. These past couple days I have not been watching what I eat very carefully and I feel like a zombie. It is amazing the difference in how I feel when I eat all of those foods I listed off above and when I avoid eating them. I do not by any means think that this diet plan is right for everyone, but if you have food sensitivities I would highly recommend trying to stay away from foods that your body does not digest well. Anyways that’s enough about my weird food plan.

          This summer I plan on applying for college scholarships, going on a small lake trip, working two part time jobs, spending pool and relaxation time with friends and family, blogging a little bit, finishing up 4-h and fairground work, being an encourager to others, and hopefully taking a trip to Cedar Point. That is a broad overview of my summer plans, but who knows what God may have in store for me this summer. I’m halfway done with the book work for 4-h, which is going to hopefully help me to not be overly stressed out with it. I know 4-h is a lot of hard work, but it teaches you such valuable life lessons that I think everyone should know. Well before I go off on another rabbit trail about why I think everyone should be in 4-h, I am just going to end my blog here.

I hope you all have a wonderful, fun-filled, and relaxing summer vacation!

Taylor Good

 The boys playing baseball

 Grayson preparing for baseball season
 My friend and I just being our normal crazy selves
 Authentic Korean food

 First summer smoothie
 Soaking up the glorious sunshine with my puppy
 I took my siblings out to Menchie's as a celebration for the last day of school
 I went to a Dave Ramsey Seminar in Ohio with my daddy to help prepare me more for college 
 My first shopping trip of the week with my younger sister
 My fifth shopping trip of the week with one of my best friends from church

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

This is a blog post I wrote last Monday, but couldn’t get around to posting until today. So here is last week’s post and then I’ll get into this week’s…

Today I got to talk with some of my favorite people, the little Sexauers. The youngest two are twins and say hello to me in the hallways every Monday, but today I actually got to have a conversation with them. They think I'm crazier at school then when I came over to their house and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not, but they do continue to ask if I can come over again so I think my craziness  is okay. I want to be able to tell them that I can come over, but I think I need to continue asking my parents if I can have them over at our house first. My parents are mostly hesitant to say "yes" because my dad is rarely home and time with him is precious. Also while I'm on the subject of my dad, I just would like to ask for prayer for him as he is going through some stressful things that could result in a variety of different things including moving, change of job title, and much more. Anyways enough about one of the few stressful situations in my life...  They, the youngest Sexauers, also have an older brother and sister who joined in our conversation about all kinds of things. I found out that the twins favorite color is purple and their moms favorite color is green (just like mine). I also learned about a candy shop out in California that they really want to go to and that their older brother was just out in California looking at colleges, which I already knew but loved hearing them explain to me in their own words. We also talked about the tooth fairy and how girls tend to grow taller quicker than boys. My conversation with them just made my day so much brighter.

This school year is about to finish up, but next school year seems to be right around the corner. Next school year I may be taking college classes, but who knows because if I take too many classes I won't get college scholarships, but I only have two more high school classes to take next year and both of them I would take at a college anyways, so now I'm in a predicament about what to do. Should I just take the two classes, should I enroll in college and not receive any scholarships, or should I take the two classes and take some other classes and graduate with extra credits? I'm not sure yet, but time is ticking away before I absolutely have to decide. I am so thankful to be able to pray to God about these things because if I wasn't able to pray I would be stressed beyond the point of even functioning correctly. I get worried and stressed so easily, but after I pray and tell God all of my problems I am able to take a deep breath in and out and just let God take care of what happens because he knows my future and His ways are always better than mine.


On Saturday I went to a friend’s wedding shower. It was beautiful! I loved the colors considering they were green and silver, my absolute favorite dream wedding colors. At work I got my first calligraphy set and Tiffany boxes. I have always wanted a calligraphy set and was so excited to sit down and practice using them. I still need a lot of practice, but I am so happy to be able to start working on my calligraphy. (Side note… if you didn’t know this, I do have a job as a personal assistant for a friend of mine.) Saturday night I took a friend out for dinner and then we watched another friends play. It was quite the experience, but those details will have to be told at another time because I have a lot more to say and it is almost midnight.

On Tuesday my English class sang each other’s hymns to start off the class. Then we read our narrative poems. It was quite interesting getting to here everyone’s poem and hymn. Everyone received at least one award for their hymn depending on what it was the best at, for example, I got both the most accurate meter and the most accurate rhyme for my hymn. So you can tell I didn’t spend as much time on the creativity as I did on the mechanics of the hymn. Oh well. I’m just glad that is done. This week for English class I have to write a persuasive paper on what grade I think I deserve to receive in English class for the year. I think it will be fun writing the paper, but it will take a lot of work and there are already hundreds of other English terms I will have to memorize, so this week will be kind of crazy. In history class we have to write a paper about a person we learned about in history class this past year and tell how they had some impact on our lives. I think I might do mine on Ronald Reagan, but I’m not sure.

Today, Wednesday!!!!!!!! It was a most beautiful and glorious day! I got an “A” on my Latin exam which is worth over 400 points!!! Then I sat outside basking in the sun, while I was working on my U.S. History final exam. Thankfully I finished it fairly quickly and will hopefully get an “A” on it as well. Tonight my Impact group girls came over to my house and we learned how we can be motherly to others without actually being biological mothers, considering all of us girls are too young to be thinking about having children of our own.

Well I seriously need some sleep tonight since I have a big day tomorrow.

Miss Overcommitted Crazy Lady

 (Taylor Good)
Sable= black
Blithe= care-free, cheerful (this is quite a funny thought when you think about the character Gilbert Blithe from "Anne of Green Gables"
Just some interesting figures of speech we're learning about in English class...
            - Time is money
            - Laughter is the music of the soul
          - Strength and dignity are her clothing
            - Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever
            -It’s fleece as white as snow
            -She appeared to be as delicate as a flower
Metonymy or synecdoche
            -The White House will be announcing the decision around noon today
            -All hands on deck
            - The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky
                - The bees played hide and seek with the flowers as they buzzed from one to another
                - I can hear California calling my name
            - Blue Moon, you saw me standing alone
  Without a dream in my heart
  Without a love of my own
-Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
 How I wonder what you are.
 Up above the world so high,
 Like a diamond in the sky
            - I’ve told you a million times
            -If I can’t buy a new dress, I’m going to die
            -His brain is the size of a pea
            -“Dad, I just was in a head on collision with another car, but there is just a scratch or two of paint missing.”
            -The calamari dish made by Bobby Filay was tolerable
            - A rich man is no richer than a poor man
            - Drowning in the fountain of eternal life
            -What a pity that youth must be wasted on the young." - George Bernard Shaw
            -Virtual reality
            -Definite maybe
            -Liquid gas
            - An optimists blood type is always B-positive
            - Corduroy pillows are making headlines
            - Energizer Bunny arrested -- charged with battery