Sunday 26 May 2013

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Well I had hoped that after school was over I would have more time to blog, but actually the opposite has happened. My schedule is so booked up this summer that I don’t know how I’m going to come out of it alive. Now before I get too far into talking about things that have happened recently, I want to go back and talk a little bit about that dinner I took my friend to.

          If you know me, you know that I am very adventurous when it comes to food. I am always trying new kinds of foods from all around the world. Anytime I can try food from another country I will. When I took my friend out to dinner we stopped to eat at an authentic Korean restaurant. Neither one of us girls had ever tried Korean food, so this was quite the adventure. Originally we were going to try something really different, but the waitress said we wouldn’t like it because it was an acquired taste, so we ordered something else. We didn’t want to offend the waiters and waitresses when they brought the food out to us, so we asked how we were supposed to eat the food because instead of just giving us one main entrée they served us ten smaller plates with food before serving us our main entrée, teriyaki chicken sauté. All I can say is hopefully we were not a disgrace to the restaurant, but rather some good comic relief to the waiters and waitresses serving us, uncultured teenagers, the food.

Well I officially finished another year of school with straight “A’s”!!!! YEA!!! Also, I AM OFFICIALLY A SENIOR!!! I want to be overly excited at how far I’ve come, but I’m realizing that senior year may be one of the most stressful years of high school. I hope I’m wrong about that though. I also realized that in my previous blog post I had said that there were over 400 questions on the Latin exam, but I just looked at the test again and realized that there are over 700 questions. Opps, I was only off by 300 questions! J And that is what finals week can do to you.

          Now on to more recent activities…

I have gone shopping more this past week than I did over the whole school year combined. I am specifically looking for outfits I can wear in senior year pictures, graduation, open houses, and a few essentials missing from my wardrobe. I realized that only two out of my ten skirts actually fit me, now that I’ve gone on this gluten free, dairy free, peanut free, oat free, and processed meat free diet. I’m not sure how much more you could cut out of a person’s diet and them still be able to live a healthy life. I’m not even as strict as I should be with this diet, but when I follow it I feel energized, renewed, and full of life and energy. These past couple days I have not been watching what I eat very carefully and I feel like a zombie. It is amazing the difference in how I feel when I eat all of those foods I listed off above and when I avoid eating them. I do not by any means think that this diet plan is right for everyone, but if you have food sensitivities I would highly recommend trying to stay away from foods that your body does not digest well. Anyways that’s enough about my weird food plan.

          This summer I plan on applying for college scholarships, going on a small lake trip, working two part time jobs, spending pool and relaxation time with friends and family, blogging a little bit, finishing up 4-h and fairground work, being an encourager to others, and hopefully taking a trip to Cedar Point. That is a broad overview of my summer plans, but who knows what God may have in store for me this summer. I’m halfway done with the book work for 4-h, which is going to hopefully help me to not be overly stressed out with it. I know 4-h is a lot of hard work, but it teaches you such valuable life lessons that I think everyone should know. Well before I go off on another rabbit trail about why I think everyone should be in 4-h, I am just going to end my blog here.

I hope you all have a wonderful, fun-filled, and relaxing summer vacation!

Taylor Good

 The boys playing baseball

 Grayson preparing for baseball season
 My friend and I just being our normal crazy selves
 Authentic Korean food

 First summer smoothie
 Soaking up the glorious sunshine with my puppy
 I took my siblings out to Menchie's as a celebration for the last day of school
 I went to a Dave Ramsey Seminar in Ohio with my daddy to help prepare me more for college 
 My first shopping trip of the week with my younger sister
 My fifth shopping trip of the week with one of my best friends from church

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