Monday 17 June 2013

June 17, 2013

So I just so happened to look bach at a list of goals I had set for myself back in August of 2012. Here they are as a reminder…

I.       Get A’s as my overall grades in each class

II.      Become good friends with 10 new people

III.     Say a prayer of everything I am thankful for each day

IV.    Keep up with my journaling

V.      Get my driver’s license before Christmas

VI.    Eat a new type of food

VII.   Do something that scares me

VIII.  Take the SAT

IX.     Figure out what my major is going to be in college

X.      Do my devotions diligently each night

XI.     Smile frequently

XII.    Go to the movie theatre in the early hours of the morning

XIII.  Throw yogurt at a squirrel (Thank you Anna!)

XIV.  Get all dressed up- the dress, the shoes, the hair, the works!

XV.   Learn how to do something new

Out of this list of fifteen things I have only completed ten, which means I have about two months to complete the last five things. Hmmmm… I get this feeling that this is not going to happen. I greatly enjoy looking back and seeing my goals then and comparing them with my goals now. A friend of mine and I are talking about possibly walking in Indy’s Mini-Marathon. I think it would be good for me to be committed to something like that and follow all the way through. I have a lot of good intentions in life, but my good intentions are worthless unless I am proactive with my good intentions. So I am just going to pray about this a little longer and if by the end of next week I still think this is a good idea I will be walking or jogging (not running) the mini-marathon.

Also I am really excited because I just was promoted to a supervising position in my job. My boss called me on Wednesday of last week and told me that  I would be promoted, so I am very happy about that.
Tomorrow I get to be a mini-4-h day camp counselor, which will be fun but exhausting. I love working as a camp counselor for community service, but by the end of the day I am ready to come home and just crash. My groups name is the maniac monkies, our color is blue, and our performance song is Princess Pat. I can’t wait for tomorrow!

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