Thursday 6 June 2013

June 6, 2013

(the first part is from last week)
    I have been so happy because I was able to go and watch two little girls on Monday and Tuesday. They are the youngest two in the family and they have an older sister. I used to be neighbors with these little girls and I watched them and their older sister at least once a week, but we moved away and I haven't been able to watch them as much. The two youngest girls remind me exactly of Chandler and Autumn. I titled the first day "Messy Monday" because that was pretty much all we did. Of course we made most of the messes on purpose and during nap time I cleaned it all up. We finger painted, made cut-out cookies, played in the sprinkler, blew bubbles, swung on the swing set, and much more. Then I devoted Tuesday to be an outdoor day. We went the park, had a picnic, went to the pool, went for a walk, rode bikes, and took a much needed bath. Their clothes had dirt from the park, their hair had chlorine from the pool, and everything was just gross.

    Well my schedule for this summer has already been altered, but thankfully everything is okay. Tonight I have a piano recital, which I am in no way ready for. I have been home almost as much as my dad, and since he’s living in Canada 4-5 days out of the week that is saying a lot. Sometimes I wonder why I don’t just live in my car considering I always seem to have some place to be. Right now I’m typing this from my car while Grayson finishes up baseball practice, then I will go to my piano recital, then someone will want to hang out afterwards, and then I would end up either spending the night at their house or not getting home until really early in the morning. Yesterday I went to work and then I went to a camp counselor training meeting and then I went to a junior leader meeting and then I unexpectedly met up with a couple of friends, which got us talking for quite some time and then I finally came home and crashed and today I was just as crazy.  Anyways hopefully you all are getting a somewhat peaceful summer vacation. My peaceful summer day would go something like this… I would love to just lay by the pool or the beach in the morning then walk to a shopping center in the afternoon followed up by a nice sit down dinner in the evening and finished off by lying in my bed talking with my crazy friend over the phone or in person or even over text messaging (Essentially just communicating with them in general). That sounds P-E-R-F-E-C-T!

Well wish me luck because I’m heading off to my piano recital. Yikes! :P


Summertime Loving girl,


Sorry I will have to put up pictures later. :(

1 comment:

  1. Taylor, You are such a busy lady. I hope you will get everything done by the next school year. I get tired just reading your blog. In 2 months school starts again. OH NO...I shouldn't have reminded you. :) Your last year of high school..WOW !!!!! Where did all the time go? You were only 3 yr. old only several years ago.. :( Good luck in the future..Rosie
