Saturday 10 November 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Yesterday was my mom’s birthday. My brothers made her breakfast in bed, which is a rarity in this house.  We all got her presents. I and my sister gave her a combined gift card to the container store because we weren’t sure whether she wanted an intricately designed jewelry holder or a new desk in the office. Later on my sister gave her a pedicure, while I curled and styled her hair. Then I secretly made her gluten, dairy, and wheat free brownies. FYI if you ever want the best brownies in the world, just ask me. These brownies were sooooo moist and chocolaty and came right out of the pan with no problem.  For dinner we ate at houlihan’s. They have some of the best food I have ever eaten and I have eaten at places that are considered to be quite nice. I would not say it is dining experience that requires a suit and tie, but I would never be caught going in there with sweatpants and a tee-shirt. I had there spinach salad, a little of my mom’s fish tacos, some of my sister’s chips and salsa, a bit of my brother’s ribs, creme brulee, and apple pie with vanilla ice cream. Obviously I was quite hungry since I didn’t eat much for lunch and forgot to have a snack. After dinner we went to Khol’s where I got a new pair of sweat pants, using my birthday money and my mom bought a new crock pot and a slicer, for vegetables or meat. We were going to end by renting a movie from Redbox, but instead bought a couple movies to watch. By the end of the day I was exhausted. We finished the night with popcorn, a fire in the fireplace, and “The Three Stooges.”

Today I slept in until one o’ clock p.m. I don’t think I can remember the last time I slept in like that. Apparently I haven’t been getting good sleep recently. J Later on today our family went over to the Quillin’s. We went over there for one main thing and that was to have fun shooting guns. And yes I did say our whole family, including me and my sister. My sister was too freaked out to shoot a gun this time, but somehow I had some crazy idea to write down on my bucket list that I wanted to shoot a gun, and with that being said I knew this was my time to do it. My heart was pounding faster than it ever had before. I was given a couple instructions on how to stand than handed the gun. I stood there took my aim and pulled the trigger. I hit the target, but not the bull’s-eye. So what did I do, I tried again. I shot with three different guns and hit the target every time, but only hit the bull’s-eye a few times. Now, if for nothing else, I can say I have shot a gun. Tonight we roasted hot dogs and sat around a campfire having lovely conversation. Then we had to leave around 8:00ish  because mom is singing at church on Sunday. Well I think those were the main highlights of this week. And with that I must say farewell until next week.




Do you know why a vaccine is called a vaccine? Well without going into great detail it all starts with the root of this word being vacc, which comes from the Latin word “vacca” or in English we would say “cow.” Now you may be wondering what a cow has to do with a vaccine. Well it is very simple. When people became sick with the chicken pox there was only one cure and that was to get cow pox. Although you could only get cow pox was by injecting something from inside the cow into you, therefore creating the first “vaccine.”


This is a totally random fact I heard on the radio…

The average person consumes 3 pounds of peanut butter every year.

We could not believe how big this tree was! (That is my 5' 6'' mom beside the tree)


  1. Taylor, the next time you are at our house, I am expecting you to make me some brownies. I got hungry reading your description of them.

  2. Hi Taylor,
    I just read your interesting blog. It's fun to know what all you're doing. Maybe you should bring some gluten free food at Thanksgiving time. Other wise you are stuck with my amish cooking.
    I can't believe you actually shot a gun. Are you practicing for when a rodent come into your yard? Guess that's what Libby is for. ha I'm sure your mom loved all the attention for her special day. Just like it was when I was young..haha Some how I can't remember much. I'm so glad you all had a good time. It doesn't take much for you guys to have fun. Especially at our house. We are rather boring as we age. Right now I'm parking my bike at the neighbors garage. We need the room .
    I've got my Thankgiving dinner all on order . I just don't have my Friday and Saturday meals planned very well. Maybe some need to go to the Olympia for breakfast..?? grandma R.
