Tuesday 6 August 2013

Monday, August 6, 2013
Oh my goodness gracious! I am exhausted. For Chandler and Autumn and Grayson’s birthday we started off at the Monon Center’s water park and ended at the church. My mom was really organized, which is a good thing because kids were coming and going all at different times. It was a little crazy, but nothing too terribly obnoxious. I may have gotten three hours of sleep if I was lucky and the Kings Island trip is tomorrow. Yikes! Hopefully I will be a slap happy dope rather than a grouchy old lady. Anyways I think we should do this every year. It is so much better than having three weekends of individual parties during the summer.  My birthday is in the fall, so I would have a separate party, if I was having a party. I haven’t had an actual birthday party since I was in elementary school. I normally just have one friend sleep over and each year I try to have a new friend, but sometime I don’t even do that. My mom tends to be stressed out with school things and my birthday is of little importance compared to school, which makes sense. School does need to have priority and my mom never forgets my birthday and she usually lets me sleep in on my birthday, but honestly it really is just another day of the year that comes and goes. You know what? I just got an app on my phone that counts down the days to special events and I put my birthday on there and Christmas and the Mini-marathon and when we might go down to Florida and all kinds of random stuff. For some reason I have a fascination with how many seconds there are until things happen. For example there are 23,293,555 seconds until the Mini-marothon right now. You know that is kind of scary to think about. I think I need to stop typing and go work on training for the Mini-marathon right now. I’ll finish this post later…

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you didn't have your new running shoes for the mini marathon.
