Sunday 4 August 2013

Sunday, August 04, 2013

    Well I got my senior pictures taken and I really do like them, but I have only seen few pictures out of the five hundred pictures we took. We literally took five hundred pictures. It took about four hours, but that is partially because of a last minute surprise my mom had for me. You all will have to wait to see the surprise until it gets closer to graduation time. My mom truly knows how to make me so very happy about something I was dreading.

    Today is Sunday and I just came home from dog/apartment sitting. A family from our local church was heading out of town so I was able to help them out by watching their dog and apartment for a few days.

    Other than that my life has been filled up with graduation planning because I get overwhelmed easily if I wait until the last minute to do something. I do not like to procrastinate. I almost have my graduation all planned out as well as gifts for all my friends who are graduating. This is probably one of the only things I’m really excited about right now. Honestly being a senior is stressful because you have so many deadlines and choices and changes going on that by the end of this year I’m going to need a whole week of peace, tranquility, and maybe a spa day. J Thankfully I feel fairly organized and I have already thought through a lot of the big decisions. I still need to finish typing out my list of guests. I got to one hundred and fifty and realized I still have two more address directories to go through. AHHHH!! Most of my relatives live in northern Indiana, so my mom has suggested possibly having a second graduation open house up in northern Indiana. Who knows what we will end up doing.

    This is specifically for my grandpa…

This week I have been diligently walking/ jogging four miles almost everyday. I didn’t do it on one day this week, but otherwise I stuck with it. Also my shin splints have officially gone away, Praise Jesus! They were really bad the week after we had went to the fair, but slowly and surely they have left me alone. Liberty, our dog, is also getting some good training because I will take her on walks with me, but by the time we begin mile three she is slowly walking behind me barely moving at all. That is when I put her in the house to take a break while I continue on. I still don’t have good running shoes, but I may just have to wait a little longer for those.


That was not a very eventful update, but I needed a break from a busy schedule especially because this next week we are celebrating Chandler, Autumn, and Grayson’s birthday’s on Monday and Tuesday; on Wednesday we are going to Kings Island; and on Friday we are going to a family get-together. You know just a normal busy week at the Good house. J

Talk to you all late!

Taylor Good
I just uploaded a picture video on YouTube of my summer activities, but here are a few pictures from World View Camp...


  1. Loved all your pictures. And just watched the video on YouTube. It looks like you had a great summer. I had a big grin on my face during most of the video.
    By the way, there is a 5K Run/Walk in Noblesville on Saturday, August 17. Would you have an interest in participating?

  2. Hi Tay, I just watched all of the fair again. You took some interesting pictures. They were fun to watch. Tell grandma Judy to watch the video of herself. All I can say is you are growing up wwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy to fast. I'm not ready for this age yet..haha
    You did a great job and you had a great summer.
    The apple sauce making was also an interesting event. Busy little people..
    grandma Rosie
