Wednesday 26 December 2012

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Caught in a blizzard! Today it is snowing so much that they are calling it a blizzard. We cancelled piano lessons today because of the snow. Yes!!! If you know me, you know that I like knowing how to play piano, but practicing is a whole other story. My puppy loves the snow and can’t get enough of it. My brothers and sister are also enjoying the frosty flakes. I have a sinus infection so I’m staying warm indoors.

      Just heard a great song by toby mac called “Steal my Show.” You should look it up if you haven’t heard it yet.

      Okay so yesterday was Christmas! It was just as wonderful as when I was younger. Friends and family gather around the Christmas tree, reading the Christmas story, love and smiles fill the air, everyone giving of themselves to make it better for someone else, fire crackling and Christmas carols playing in the background, peppermint filling the air, fleece and fur pajamas and blankets to keep warm, wrapping paper going flying through the air, cameras flashing to capture that surprised facial expression, laughter and gaiety from the hearts of many; Oh this is Christmas! It definitely is the best time of the year! I hope the Christmas time finds you all in good spirits!

Back row of four: Justin- Jamie- Taylor- Autumn
Front row of three: Chandler- Amanda- Grayson

There will be a Christmas video some day with all the pictures. Hopefully it will be put up sooner then my Thanksgiving video got put up.

Friday 21 December 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas is just four days away!!! I am exuberant with joy and excitement. This is the time of the year when we celebrate our Savior’s birth and remember why he came here. This Sunday I would like to invite all of you to come to our church. Here is their website…

Our service starts at 10 a.m. on Sunday morning. Feel free to come and worship the Savior’s birth.

     This Sunday after church my mom’s side of the family is coming down to celebrate Christmas. So we are attempting to clean our house for them.

     Last night was our first snow. There was ice blowing sideways and it was quite terrible driving home since there was little visibility, but I made it home safe and sound. Today my dad took me into an open parking lot where I practiced driving on ice. It was fun and frightening all at the same time. Then my dad took me out on a date for lunch. We went and ate sushi at a place in Clay Terrace. It was absolutely delectable. Tonight I am going caroling and to a girl’s sleepover. I can’t wait. This reminds me, I still need to pack for it.

     Some of you may know that my body is not functioning as well as it should, so I had some blood tests done. The results came back today and said that I have a food sensitivity to milk, wheat, peanuts, and oats. Also I have been taking Magnesium, a Pro-Biotic, and Iron Free Vitamins, which have all been really helping.  Thankfully I have found a doctor that is actually helping me and not just doing quick fixes that don’t really last or work. I feel the best I have felt in years, except for the fact that I have a slight cold from my brother.

     To finish off this blog post I would like to mention that I finally posted up my Thanksgiving video now that a month has gone by. I know it was greatly delayed, but my studies in school always come before blogging and video making.






Starbucks Coffee got its name from a character in the book Moby Dick named Starbuck, who drinks a lot of coffee.


The idea of a Christmas tree originated in Germany


A friend of mine described a candy cane as…

A cane… but candy. Hard candy that tastes like peppermint or fruit, but never like dirt or brussell sprouts, usually decorated with stripes, but  never polka dots. (now there’s an idea)


Another friend of mine said the best gift they bought for someone else was…

A little fake Christmas tree with fake money pinned to it. She gave it to her dad and proved to him that money really does grow on trees.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A few weekends ago I toured another college. I went up to Grace College with my friends Anna and Jesse. I absolutely loved the smaller campus size. Each classroom seemed much more personal and great for getting an education, although I don’t have much to compare it to so I can’t give it a detailed thumbs up or down. All I can say is I can’t wait to go off and live at college.  They made sure to keep us busy while we were there and we ended up getting to see and tour almost everything on campus and a little off campus.
My dad cooked a delicious dinner filled with swordfish, white asparagus, sushi, bruschetta, pumpkin eggnog and something else. It is nice to eat new things. I truly believe that teaching a kid to try new things is one of the best things you can do for them in their life. We also put up our Christmas decorations! YEA!!
This past weekend I spent with my friend Lindsay. We made spritz cookies, edited old photos, and laughed about our lives.
I had a Scottish Christmas this past Saturday with my Auntie Jen. I absolutely love her. We were able to help her bake and we also were able to help her eat all the food!JRecently life has been up and down making it extremely difficult to find time to write blog posts. I hope to write a lot of blog posts over Christmas break and I also hope to shoot a couple new videos for my You Tube channel.

On Friday I attempted to drive up to my grandparents’ house, but the car broke down one hour into the drive, so much for a surprise “get-away” for my parents. Oh well. Honestly I couldn’t have broken down in a better place because I was only fifteen minutes away from my aunt and uncle’s house. I ended up spending eight hours doing nothing though, which really bothered me. Thankfully no one ended up hurt or in danger and after a five hundred dollar car part was fixed, the van was repaired. :/

Tomorrow we have a Christmas party with our Youth Group and I will be performing in our church’s Christmas Choir program. I am super excited! We are supposed to bring a white elephant gift, so I am bringing a stack of old magazines, wrapped in old newspaper with a box of “Dots”. J

Please pray for Newtown, Connecticut as many families are hurting greatly, after the tragic killings.


     Taylor Good


 Hey, look we all got the memo! :) 
 There is nothing better than CHRISTmas Lights!!!!! ;)
 Lindsay and myself
Auntie Jen's house for tea
Dinner Time!!

Sunday 25 November 2012

Thursday, November 22, 2012

THANKSGIVING!!!!! So I haven’t posted recently so I need to update y’all on what has happened recently…

This past Saturday, the 17th, I went over to my friend’s house and we ate food, watched a movie, and talked. I mean come on what more could you ask for at a girl’s get-together. It consisted of a group of school girls.

The 16th was my friend Megan’s birthday and the 17th was my friend Lindsay’s birthday. So this time of year is full of those celebrations and of course Thanksgiving. I will make a separate post dealing with Thanksgiving.

So I have a younger brother named Grayson, who is ten, and my mom, who has been trying to redecorate the house. My mom put up a picture in our living room and exclaimed, “This picture makes the wall look too busy doesn’t it.” My younger brother thought about it and said, “How can the wall be busy it doesn’t do anything.”J This just made my day hundred times better.

     ~Sorry this is sooo delayed. I was having inernet connection difficulties at both my grandparents houses.
 Becca and Anna
 Starting at the top left going to top right: Anna M., Me(Taylor), Becca
Starting at the bottom left going to bottom right: Anna B., Anna R., Grace

 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Megan and Lindsay!!!!!

FunFactsfrom my cousin, Mandy:

Every year you swallow an average of eight spiders in your sleep! Yuck!

The song “Ring Around the Rosie” originated when there was a Black Death otherwise known as the Black Plague.

Saturday 10 November 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Yesterday was my mom’s birthday. My brothers made her breakfast in bed, which is a rarity in this house.  We all got her presents. I and my sister gave her a combined gift card to the container store because we weren’t sure whether she wanted an intricately designed jewelry holder or a new desk in the office. Later on my sister gave her a pedicure, while I curled and styled her hair. Then I secretly made her gluten, dairy, and wheat free brownies. FYI if you ever want the best brownies in the world, just ask me. These brownies were sooooo moist and chocolaty and came right out of the pan with no problem.  For dinner we ate at houlihan’s. They have some of the best food I have ever eaten and I have eaten at places that are considered to be quite nice. I would not say it is dining experience that requires a suit and tie, but I would never be caught going in there with sweatpants and a tee-shirt. I had there spinach salad, a little of my mom’s fish tacos, some of my sister’s chips and salsa, a bit of my brother’s ribs, creme brulee, and apple pie with vanilla ice cream. Obviously I was quite hungry since I didn’t eat much for lunch and forgot to have a snack. After dinner we went to Khol’s where I got a new pair of sweat pants, using my birthday money and my mom bought a new crock pot and a slicer, for vegetables or meat. We were going to end by renting a movie from Redbox, but instead bought a couple movies to watch. By the end of the day I was exhausted. We finished the night with popcorn, a fire in the fireplace, and “The Three Stooges.”

Today I slept in until one o’ clock p.m. I don’t think I can remember the last time I slept in like that. Apparently I haven’t been getting good sleep recently. J Later on today our family went over to the Quillin’s. We went over there for one main thing and that was to have fun shooting guns. And yes I did say our whole family, including me and my sister. My sister was too freaked out to shoot a gun this time, but somehow I had some crazy idea to write down on my bucket list that I wanted to shoot a gun, and with that being said I knew this was my time to do it. My heart was pounding faster than it ever had before. I was given a couple instructions on how to stand than handed the gun. I stood there took my aim and pulled the trigger. I hit the target, but not the bull’s-eye. So what did I do, I tried again. I shot with three different guns and hit the target every time, but only hit the bull’s-eye a few times. Now, if for nothing else, I can say I have shot a gun. Tonight we roasted hot dogs and sat around a campfire having lovely conversation. Then we had to leave around 8:00ish  because mom is singing at church on Sunday. Well I think those were the main highlights of this week. And with that I must say farewell until next week.




Do you know why a vaccine is called a vaccine? Well without going into great detail it all starts with the root of this word being vacc, which comes from the Latin word “vacca” or in English we would say “cow.” Now you may be wondering what a cow has to do with a vaccine. Well it is very simple. When people became sick with the chicken pox there was only one cure and that was to get cow pox. Although you could only get cow pox was by injecting something from inside the cow into you, therefore creating the first “vaccine.”


This is a totally random fact I heard on the radio…

The average person consumes 3 pounds of peanut butter every year.

We could not believe how big this tree was! (That is my 5' 6'' mom beside the tree)

Saturday 3 November 2012

Saturday, November 03, 2012

REMEMBER to set your clocks back!!! I don’t think the new hour is going to be enough time to do everything I want to do. :)

Well this week started out as usual, but my weekend was a little unique. My parents left us kids home by ourselves for a couple days. One of my brothers was at a birthday party the majority of the time and my sister was out babysitting or sleeping the majority of the time. So it was mostly just me and my little brother. He got to go shopping with me, which he was less than thrilled about, but I bought him some things which made it better for him. I finally got a pair of brown boots and my grandma bought me the cutest dress to go with them. I can’t wait to wear them! I also bought a head warmer for the upcoming winter weather. It is sooo cute with my short hair and it has a pretty embellishment that is offset on the headband.

This Friday I made gluten free chocolate cupcakes with a coffee flavored frosting. They taste delightful, but since they are gluten free they didn’t rise as much as normal cupcakes do.

This year I want to help make as much of the Thanksgiving meal as I possibly can because I only have two more thanksgivings at home. Of course I will most likely come home from college during Thanksgiving, but there will come a day when I need to know how to make a Thanksgiving meal. Also I want my grandma to teach me how to make a pie because she makes delicious homemade pies. I have never ever made a pie from scratch. That must change, okay Grandma. J


Lov Y’all,



I saw this on Pinterest…

(My family stays that I am addicted)


Do you know why you crave sweet treats when you are stressed?

Well maybe it has something to do with the fact that stressed spelled backwards spells desserts! ;)


How to have a better day

·     Drink tea

·     Smile & laugh

·     Make cookies

·     Dance freely

·     Think a little

·     Draw rainbows

·     Accomplish something

 Gluten-free Chocolate Cupcakes... Yum!!!

(Warm Vanilla Sugar, Frosted Cranberry, Peach Bellini, Vanilla Bean Noel; Sensual Amber- not pictured)

Sunday 28 October 2012

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Okay so I must apologize for not blogging sooner. I have been sucked into the world of Pinterest. I cannot say how much fun I have had looking at other peoples boards, but it has been sucking up all my blogging time recently.

So I need to fill you all in…

On Friday the 20th I had my friend Megan come over. She lives kind of far away and we don’t get to see each other much so these times are special. Later in the night another friend of mine came over. We went to Subway for dinner, ate popcorn and talked by the fire, then went upstairs and talked a whole lot more. We didn’t end up going to sleep until the early hours in the morning.

On Saturday we went and got French manicures and had special homemade vanilla almond milk pancakes. Yum! Afterwards my brothers, sister, mom, dad, and brother’s friend (don’t ask why) gave me there presents. We then went to the pumpkin patch and I got a little white pumpkin. I have always wanted a little white pumpkin and now I have one. I want to take an apple corer and cut polka-dots into my pumpkin. Later in the afternoon my friend had to go home, but I was then able to go pick out my new i-phone! Yea!!!

The rest of the week carried on as it normally does… with a few exceptions…

On Thursday I took my mom out for dinner. I just needed to thank her and show her how much I appreciate what all she does for me. We then went had bubble tea for dessert. My mom wasn’t so sure of it so she just had some of mine.

On Friday I made homemade cinnamon rolls. They took forever to make, but I did it.

On Saturday I was planning on going ice-skating with my friends, the Perillo’s, but that didn’t end up working out. Instead I had an hour long phone conversation with both the brother and sister, who have great senses of humor, and they kept me laughing almost the whole time. Later that night I helped my siblings watch three little kids out of the seven kids in all.

Today, Sunday, my friend Molly stopped in on her way back to college. I was so excited to see her. She is such an inspiration and a great leader. She leads a life that has had its bumps in the road, but she always finds a way to turn it back to the Lord. I have looked up to her and can’t wait until I can visit her at college!

Pinterest Addict ;)


 Bubble Tea!!!


Pictures of presents will have to come later.