Wednesday 26 September 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Okay so I have been trying to play catch up with school and life after the conference. I have sooo much I could say about the conference, but instead of saying everything now I think I will let the information kind of trickle in over the next few months. I have put together a slide show so you can get a very small glimpse into what it was like.(Sorry for its lengthiness) Of course pictures and quotes do not come anywhere close to the magnificence and renewal brought forth by a conference, especially one lead by Nancy Leigh Demoss.

Here is the link....


Your Friend,



The power of the Holy Spirit

One of the women working told me this story.

There was a small coffee and tea shop inside the conference center. As she stood in line, waiting to order her warm beverage, she noticed that the woman working the counter was quite frazzled and could not seem to focus on what she was doing.  As she progressively got closer, the woman seemed to become more and more stressed almost to the point of annoyance. When she approached the counter to order the woman turned away and said, “I cannot handle this. There are too many nice people here.” At that moment it was clear. The Holy Spirit and God’s presence was sooo strong, evident, and powerful that it made it uncomfortable for the unbelieving coffee maker. This in return gave the woman working at the conference a time to share the gospel, and although we are not sure if the coffee lady accepted Christ she definitely saw and felt Christ’s love.

Thursday 20 September 2012

TRUE WOMAN Conference 2012, Here we come!!!
More to come soon!!!

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Yesterday was BIG! By that I mean I didn’t have much of a break and did practically zero studying. I aide in three different classes and help out in a fourth. The first two classes I aide in keep me busy since I have to go back and forth between both classes during the hour. Have you ever tried getting about 20 kids to 15 different places all at the same time? Somehow I am going to have to figure out how this is going to work. Then I go to aide in group piano lessons. The teacher is phenomenal, but all the kids just want to play the piano instead of listening to her. She is really good though in getting them to focus and pay attention to her. I came home with one of the worst migraines ever! After three Ibuprofen it started to subside, thankfully.

I just realized that I haven’t told you what part I got in the play. Well I am a school girl named Josie Pie. She has a little sister named Gertie Pie. We are from a rich family and think very highly of our fashion. I am extremely flirtatious and hate Anne, who is the main character. My character consists of about 20 or more lines and a lot of stage cues. Can’t wait for it to all come together.

Here is some information:


March 14, 15, 16 (performances)

Burge Terrace Baptist Church

9345 Brookville Road


Hope to see many of you there since there will be enough seating for about eleven hundred people!


Today was good except for the morning when I cried in English class because I missed part of her attachment. She said it was alright because I still answered all the questions well without even having them wrote down. Today was an emotional day. I guess I cried a lot today because of my stress level increasing greatly. Not only was I half a week behind in Math and Science, which is not completely true since I have about four weeks of leeway, but I was also told to start applying for jobs, schedule times to meet with colleges, and somehow still get done with school, choir, serving in the church, impact groups, 4-h, devotions time with mom, and whatever else there is. This weekend is the “True Women’s Conference” which I am looking forward to in whatever time I do have. I can’t wait to see all my girls.    

Today is my parent’s 19th anniversary! They are somewhere celebrating and hopefully having a splendid time.

Well I should go to sleep soon since I need to be up bright and early tomorrow.

Your Friend,

Josie Pie J


 And now we know why my school is not done ;-)

Thursday 13 September 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Okay so I meant to post yesterday, but I arrived home a few hours later than expected. Yesterday my mom went to go listen to James McDonald preach, while I went and babysat for a family whose parents also went to listen to Mr. McDonald. I asked my sister to come with me since the family I was watching has seven kids, five boys and two girls, but she felt like playing more so I ended up bringing Chandler instead. (He’s my older younger brother.) I was so thankful he was there to play with the older boys, while I played with the girls and younger boys. After I had laid the girls down to sleep and Chandler was in the house with the three oldest boys, I took the little baby and his brother on a walk around the block a couple times. It dawned on me while I was walking that I hadn’t pushed a stroller around in a number of years. It has to have been at least five years if not more, since I pushed baby Grayson around in the stroller. Anyways it was a pleasant time and wonderful that everyone was obedient.

Today the maids came as they usually do and I wish that my mom would change it to another day because Thursdays and Saturdays are my only days to sleep in. Oh Well. Afterwards I did some school, but not very much because I went and helped a friend of my sisters’ with her writing homework. In return I got my hair colored and cut for no charge. Then I came home and did a little more school before eating dinner and heading out the door again. This time it was for choir. Now I am utterly exhausted and since I know tomorrow will be even fuller than today, I think I shall try and get at least a few hours of sleep.

Good night!

A Very Sleepy Taylor

Tomorrow is the drama cast read thru!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Okay so I didn’t post over the weekend because our internet was out, and Monday’s and Tuesday’s are full with Wisdom Builders. Also my memory card in my computer is full so I can’t download any new pictures or videos until I transfer my old pictures and videos onto another device. I did a video blog on Friday, but can’t upload it yet because as I stated previously my computers memory is full. I never thought I would have enough information to fill up a computer, but obviously I thought wrong. Today I drove to classes and had a fairly good day. In English class we acted out our reading in our literature book. I had a lot of fun playing a crazed wife who was convinced everything would cause lightening to strike. She also was convinced her husband was all to blame for their “misfortune.” If you have spare time you can read this short American drama by Marc Twain dramatized by Lewy Olfson titled “Mrs. McWilliams and the Lightening.” It is a nice tension reliever. Today I also received a gift from a WB* friend of mine. He knows I like to listen to “Red,” a Christian rock band, so he bought me one of their CD’s. If you look at my music repertoire you will notice that there isn’t much I don’t listen to. My music is predominately upbeat Christian music, but I do listen to more than just that. I’m sure there are types of music I don’t care for, but overall I can usually find at least one song from every genre that I like if not LOVE! I did turn in my paper that I was writing for English class on time. YEA!! I wrote it on Disney and talked about how great it would be to vacation there. I have never been to Disney, but want to extremely bad! While writing my paper I learned who created the first Cobb salad and today I learned that the creator of Veggie Tales originally wanted to turn Veggie Tales into a Christianized Disney, but after God worked in his life he revaluated his goals and decided to let God lead and choose what is best for Veggie Tales. I sometimes feel like I’m just a book of random facts, and that most of my brain is filled up with nothingness or only part of a bigger picture. As I thought of that I decided to write a saying on my wipe-off board, a.k.a. my list of things to-do, it says “Where I play a role in life is quite small, but important to God.” I know this is simple, but sometimes it is the most simple and basic things we forget and need to be reminded about. I came up with this back in seventh grade when I was reading a book called “Don’t Waste Your Life,” by John Piper. I would not recommend seventh graders read this unless you are very smart because I was completely confused as a seventh grader. This book is excellent for someone a little bit older unless like I said you are very smart or have an adult explain to you what Piper is trying to get at. I think I am going to try and reread it now that a few years have gone by because I remember what I did learn was very helpful applicable everyday life information that every Christian should know and strive for. Besides that in speech class we will all be writing a short devotion or children’s sermon in a narrative or story telling way and then presenting them in class next Tuesday. I received an official e-mail from my drama teacher saying that the latest they plan on sending out the cast list is this Thursday, but who really knows.

I realize that today is a hard day for many people since it is a remembrance of 9/11. I personally do not have any family members that were lost in this catastrophic event, but for thousands of families today is a day for grieving and heartache as so many were killed eleven years ago. Most people probably even remember what they were doing as they watched the devastation of the Twin Towers. I ask those who are reading this to just take a moment and pray for the survivors, families, and people affected by this tragic attack. If you are interested in learning more or remembering 9/11 you can go to

There you can see actual videos, pictures, and testimonies from survivors.

Your friend,


Disney fun facts

Finding Nemo: the name Nemo in Latin translates into the word “Lost”

Rapunzel: It took eight years to complete her hair since they originally created it to be 38 feet and then changed it to be 70!

Toy Story 3: There are 302 characters total in this movie!

Thursday 6 September 2012

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Okay so my last post was not really an everyday overview, but more of something I had been thinking about. Today was my first day of Highlands Latin School. There was an official welcoming and everything. Today I had roll call. I haven’t had a roll call since I was in second grade. The little kindergarteners looked so cute in their school uniforms. This whole process to prepare for Highlands has been very drawn out since my mom wanted me to take charge of it, but she still needed me to check everything by her. Oh well, I survived it and am now enrolled. Mrs. Huston is my teacher. I will have to switch from classical Latin to ecclesiastical Latin. The biggest difference is the way you pronounce the words so hopefully it won’t be too hard to learn this new kind of Latin. I think having uniforms is quite a smart idea because it puts everyone on the same level and you are not judged by what you are wearing. It also sets a precedence of being proper and respectful to your teacher.

Have you ever went somewhere and completely forgot to bring what you were coming there for. Yesterday I drove to the Huston’s to drop off my paper work and when I got there I realized I had left my paper work on the kitchen counter. Of course, so back home I went. Thankfully the drive is only about 10 or 15 minutes. Then I went to my aide meeting and then onto shopping for black leather loafer’s with a heel of less than 1 ½ inch heels. Normally when I shop for shoes I have an idea of what I want, but yesterday I felt completely clueless and uncertain about what I wanted. Nothing was perfect, but I found ones that will do the job.

Tonight I drove my sister to our junior leader 4-h meeting. We voted people into office tonight. Part of their job will be to sit with the 4-h advisors and plan out all of the events going on at our county’s 4-h fairgrounds. Junior leaders is not only a great way to get to know people from your county and state, but it also teaches you how to be a leader. You have to complete service projects, deliver presentations, have some sort of leadership in your 4-h group, take charge with certain 4-h functions going on all year round, and many other fun things. It is hard to believe my ninth year in 4-h out of the possible 10.

Sorry I am posting this a day late. I needed to go to sleep last night.

Monday night we went to the Gladura’s and I talked with Autumn and Maddie for a while and then me and Chandler talked for most of the rest of the night. We were able to watch most of the movie “Facing the Giants.” If you haven’t seen that movie or any of their movies, I would HIGHLY recommend them. I normally don’t care to watch for movies, but I like “Facing the Giants”, “Fireproof”, and “Courageous.” They are some of the few movies that actually keep my attention span and have meaning behind them. I’m not really a big movie watcher, but occasionally I will watch a movie as a relaxing evening activity.

Anyways I think that is all for now. Have a WONDERFUL day!


No new pictures L

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Tuesday, September 04, 2012


My dad is the one who will come home from a long stressful day at work and always, without fail, be standing there with open arms ready to give me a welcoming hug. My dad is the one who comforts me when I’ve stared at my math book all day long and cried because I can’t figure out the answer. My dad is the one who will put his arm around me in the middle of that scary movie. My dad is the one who hates shopping, but will take me to a mall and walk around with me for 5 hours just to say “I love you.” My dad is the one who will give up his limited sleep time just to listen to whatever is on my heart. My dad is the one who will diligently go to work everyday no matter how he feels just so I can have food to eat, a bed to sleep in, and clothes to wear. My dad is the one who gently rebukes me and keeps me honoring the Lord. My dad is the one I have promised my heart to until the day of my marriage. My daddy loves me.

With all this being said you can see why my heart aches when he is gone. Every girl desires to feel loved and when not instructed in the way of the Lord you can see why there are sooo many problems. People ask me if I am sad that my daddy is gone so frequently. I immediately would answer “YES, of course!!!” As I have thought about it I’ve realized that through the absence of my dad I have strived for “love,” but quickly realized that God is the only one who truly satisfies my soul. I have heard this thousands of times, but I did not realize how much I relied on my dad instead of God until my dad was taken away from me. I still greatly wish my dad to be home, but through his absence I have been forced to give God my all. This has been a hard time emotionally and spiritually, yet helpful in my walk with the Lord.


I love you, Daddy!



“After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” 1 Peter 5:10   

Monday 3 September 2012

 Monday, September 03, 2012

Yesterday was sooooooooooo much fun! My siblings can’t stop talking about how much fun they had. Today at lunch the only conversation was about last night’s activities. The family’s last name is the Sexauer’s and they have a big beautiful house with acres of grassy glory. It was raining when we arrived, but settled down by the time we left. They have nine people in their family, starting with Mr. David Sexauer and ending with little Natalie. I want to adopt Natalie as my own. She is the cutest, friendliest person you will ever meet. We have become best of friends over night. J Natalie is twins with Matthew, who I kept calling Joshua because he reminds me of a Joshua. Matthew is one of a kind. I wish I could post the birthday card he gave to his older brother because apparently the card is a good look into the little mind of Matthew. Joshua is the third youngest in the Sexauer family. He and Grayson seemed to be buddies for the night. Actually I didn’t see him very much during the night except to eat food, open presents, and an occasional glimpse while walking around the house. Then there is Erin, who is very sweet and quiet. She is the same age as Grayson, but if it wasn’t for my mom telling me that I would have said she was closer to Autumn’s age. She is very lady-like, well mannered, and had fun with Autumn and Natalie. Next comes Johnny, who I met last year in my mom’s financial class. He hung out with just about everyone. He seems to be quite sociable, which reminds me of Chandler, but he also has another side that I can’t quite put into words just yet. The second oldest is Charlie. I saw him even less than Joshua. I have heard a lot about him and yet I don’t believe I have ever spoken to him. I need to make another goal- I need to at least say “hello” to Charlie Sexauer. Last, but not least, the oldest Sexauer child, Jeremy or as my parents call him, “Taylor’s special friend.” This was his 17th birthday celebration. Normally he just has Grammy, Poppy, and possible other endearing family members, but this year he had our family, the three Rollins’ boys, Jarrett, his cousin Alex, and his Grammy and Poppy. We ate pizza and fruit and pulled pork. For dessert we ate refrigerator cake. It is apparently a Sexauer tradition and I don’t blame them for making it a tradition. It is exceptionally delicious. I HAVE to get that recipe. It is rich in flavor, but worth every bite, calorie, and repercussions for eating dairy and gluten, since I am lactose intolerant and possibly am allergic to gluten. While I was there I found a Smashing Pumpkins song I like. It is called “Galapogos.” What an interesting name. I know I didn’t give an explanation on Jeremy’s personality, but I have a lot I could say and need to think through how to best state it. He is extremely respectful to my parents, which means a lot. He also has a personal relationship with the Lord, can pick up a guitar or sit down at a piano and make something beautiful come forth, and is developing good leadership qualities by being a leader of his siblings and his friends. As I said before I have a lot I could say, but need to think of the best way to put it so this will have to suffice. In short, the adults talked all night while the kids hung out in the basement and outside. My family and I had fun and hope everyone else did.

I would post a picture of Jeremy along with his family if I had one to post, but I only have a picture of Natalie. I was kind of scared to take pictures because no one else was taking pictures, which is completely opposite of what we do at our parties. Here is little Natalie before she went to bed:


Well  I know this post is all about the Sexauer’s, but we are leaving for the Gladura’s house now, so there is no time to add more.

Your Friend,



Fun Sexauer fact: When singing “Happy Birthday” they try to hold out the last note for as long as they possibly can.