Wednesday 5 September 2012

Tuesday, September 04, 2012


My dad is the one who will come home from a long stressful day at work and always, without fail, be standing there with open arms ready to give me a welcoming hug. My dad is the one who comforts me when I’ve stared at my math book all day long and cried because I can’t figure out the answer. My dad is the one who will put his arm around me in the middle of that scary movie. My dad is the one who hates shopping, but will take me to a mall and walk around with me for 5 hours just to say “I love you.” My dad is the one who will give up his limited sleep time just to listen to whatever is on my heart. My dad is the one who will diligently go to work everyday no matter how he feels just so I can have food to eat, a bed to sleep in, and clothes to wear. My dad is the one who gently rebukes me and keeps me honoring the Lord. My dad is the one I have promised my heart to until the day of my marriage. My daddy loves me.

With all this being said you can see why my heart aches when he is gone. Every girl desires to feel loved and when not instructed in the way of the Lord you can see why there are sooo many problems. People ask me if I am sad that my daddy is gone so frequently. I immediately would answer “YES, of course!!!” As I have thought about it I’ve realized that through the absence of my dad I have strived for “love,” but quickly realized that God is the only one who truly satisfies my soul. I have heard this thousands of times, but I did not realize how much I relied on my dad instead of God until my dad was taken away from me. I still greatly wish my dad to be home, but through his absence I have been forced to give God my all. This has been a hard time emotionally and spiritually, yet helpful in my walk with the Lord.


I love you, Daddy!



“After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” 1 Peter 5:10   

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