Wednesday 26 September 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Okay so I have been trying to play catch up with school and life after the conference. I have sooo much I could say about the conference, but instead of saying everything now I think I will let the information kind of trickle in over the next few months. I have put together a slide show so you can get a very small glimpse into what it was like.(Sorry for its lengthiness) Of course pictures and quotes do not come anywhere close to the magnificence and renewal brought forth by a conference, especially one lead by Nancy Leigh Demoss.

Here is the link....


Your Friend,



The power of the Holy Spirit

One of the women working told me this story.

There was a small coffee and tea shop inside the conference center. As she stood in line, waiting to order her warm beverage, she noticed that the woman working the counter was quite frazzled and could not seem to focus on what she was doing.  As she progressively got closer, the woman seemed to become more and more stressed almost to the point of annoyance. When she approached the counter to order the woman turned away and said, “I cannot handle this. There are too many nice people here.” At that moment it was clear. The Holy Spirit and God’s presence was sooo strong, evident, and powerful that it made it uncomfortable for the unbelieving coffee maker. This in return gave the woman working at the conference a time to share the gospel, and although we are not sure if the coffee lady accepted Christ she definitely saw and felt Christ’s love.

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