Sunday 28 October 2012

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Okay so I must apologize for not blogging sooner. I have been sucked into the world of Pinterest. I cannot say how much fun I have had looking at other peoples boards, but it has been sucking up all my blogging time recently.

So I need to fill you all in…

On Friday the 20th I had my friend Megan come over. She lives kind of far away and we don’t get to see each other much so these times are special. Later in the night another friend of mine came over. We went to Subway for dinner, ate popcorn and talked by the fire, then went upstairs and talked a whole lot more. We didn’t end up going to sleep until the early hours in the morning.

On Saturday we went and got French manicures and had special homemade vanilla almond milk pancakes. Yum! Afterwards my brothers, sister, mom, dad, and brother’s friend (don’t ask why) gave me there presents. We then went to the pumpkin patch and I got a little white pumpkin. I have always wanted a little white pumpkin and now I have one. I want to take an apple corer and cut polka-dots into my pumpkin. Later in the afternoon my friend had to go home, but I was then able to go pick out my new i-phone! Yea!!!

The rest of the week carried on as it normally does… with a few exceptions…

On Thursday I took my mom out for dinner. I just needed to thank her and show her how much I appreciate what all she does for me. We then went had bubble tea for dessert. My mom wasn’t so sure of it so she just had some of mine.

On Friday I made homemade cinnamon rolls. They took forever to make, but I did it.

On Saturday I was planning on going ice-skating with my friends, the Perillo’s, but that didn’t end up working out. Instead I had an hour long phone conversation with both the brother and sister, who have great senses of humor, and they kept me laughing almost the whole time. Later that night I helped my siblings watch three little kids out of the seven kids in all.

Today, Sunday, my friend Molly stopped in on her way back to college. I was so excited to see her. She is such an inspiration and a great leader. She leads a life that has had its bumps in the road, but she always finds a way to turn it back to the Lord. I have looked up to her and can’t wait until I can visit her at college!

Pinterest Addict ;)


 Bubble Tea!!!


Pictures of presents will have to come later.

Friday 19 October 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

I took the PSAT on Wednesday. It felt like a breeze compared to the SAT. Math is definitely a strong suit of mine, since I am very confident that I got at least 95% of the math questions right. I would say I got 100% of them correct, although I don’t believe it is wise to make anything 100% if you haven’t gotten the results yet.

That night we went to 4-h and had elections. I have served as secretary for two years in a row now, but this year I had confidence enough to run for president. As I was waiting for the results to come in I looked out at all the kids and you can tell if someone voted for you because they would look up and make eye contact with you and flash a friendly smile. After a wait that felt like eternity, they announced that Taylor Good (me) would be the clubs new president. Yea!!! I have sooo many ideas to help our club; I don’t know where to start.

Today my friend Megan came over. We rarely get to see each other, but I love spending time with her. We have been friends since we were two years old. She is the only friend I have had that long. I wish we could spend more time together. L

Tonight I will start having a small birthday celebration, but most of the birthday happenings won’t be until next weekend. More on that latter.

I just got a Pinterest and if you have one I would love to be your friend. Also if you have any tips on good boards or pinners to look up, I am open to suggestions, Thanks.

Almost 17 year old,



Fun Facts or Funny Things…


Things to-do in an elevator

1. Whistle the first seven notes of "It's a Small World" incessantly

2.                      Stand silent and motionless in the corner, facing the wall, without getting off

3.                      Make race car noises when anyone gets on or off

4.                      Greet everyone getting on the elevator with a warm handshake and ask them to call you Admiral

5.                      Stare, grinning, at another passenger for a while, and then announce: "I've got new socks on!"

6.                      Listen to the elevator walls with a stethoscope

7.                       Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers that this is your "personal space."

8.                      Carry a blanket and clutch it protectively

9.                      Pull your gum out of your mouth in long strings

10.              Start brushing off invisible bugs from your arms, screaming "Aaughh! Get them off!"

11.                 Laugh hysterically for five seconds, stop, and glare at the other passengers like they are crazy.

12.              Wrinkle your nose and smell the air repeatedly. Sniff at your neighbor suspiciously, give a disgusted frown, and take a step away

13.              Start a sing-along


Things to tell your boss if you wake up from being asleep on the job

1. "Boy, that cold medicine I took last night just won't wear off."

2.                      “I was testing the keyboard for drool-resistance."

3.                      "I'm actually doing a 'Stress Level Elimination Exercise Plan' (SLEEP) I learned at the last mandatory seminar you made me attend."

4.                      "They told me at the blood bank this might happen."

5.                      “I wasn’t sleeping! I was meditating on the mission statement and envisioning a new paradigm!”


Monday 15 October 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Today was another day of school and it went fairly just as a normal Monday would go. In drama class we got to work on a dancing scene, which made me quite happy. Now for an update…


On Friday we left for Grandpa and Grandma’s house! We unloaded and tried to get good sleep for the next day, although that didn’t really work. On Saturday the girls went for breakfast at the “Candy Kitchen” with Grandma Rosemary. There we went over our devotions then headed back to the house to pick up the boys. Once we got them, we went to my other grandma’s church. There was a fall festival going on where you could buy homemade food and nick-knacks. After the fall festival there is a big dinner that tastes better than any meal you have ever had. Everything is home cooked and is able to excite anyone’s taste buds. Normally this is a good time to socialize, but honestly I was utterly exhausted and could barely keep a conversation going for longer than a minute or two. Then after the dinner there is an auction for some of the larger selling objects and some of the leftover food. My mom bought some “Amish Peanut Butter” and “Apple Butter.” YUUUMMMM!!!!  Afterwards we headed back to our grandparent’s house. On Sunday we went to First Baptist Church of Goshen and then headed to my mom’s dad’s family reunion, a.k.a. the Gardener Reunion. Apparently I have second cousins who are missionaries in Mozambique and are translating the Bible into their native language. It was quite interesting getting to talk to some of my extended family.

Well now I am frantically preparing for the next few days of life which include most of my classes in school, the PSAT, my birthday, my dad’s return; the coming of my friend, who I haven’t seen in over a year; and much more! Yikes!


Good night, sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite!

 We had to sit and wait on this train for at least 5 minutes!!!
 My future puppy!!!

 I looovee this bike!!! If only I had about a thousand spare dollars lieing around...

 Rain, rain go away!!!
 Family Reunion

Oh, Grandma ;)

Friday 12 October 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

I got my hair cut yesterday and couldn’t wait to post these pictures. Here is my short auburn hair…

Thursday 11 October 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Did you notice today’s date is 10-11-12 J Just something that made me smile to think about. Well as some of you know my birthday is coming up quickly and I am sooo excited. This is the first year I made a list of things I want for my birthday, because my parents and grandparents usually just give me money to go and spend how I please instead of me making out a list. Also I’m thinking about actually having a birthday party this year, instead of just celebrating with family and sometimes an occasional lucky friend.

Today I got my hair cut really short and I absolutely LOVE it!!! I also drank my first caramel Frappuccino that I got at Starbucks today. It was delightful! Then I went to the high school and got the PSAT information for my upcoming test. My brain is not ready for another test. Oh well, life will go on.

This weekend I will be up at my grandparents’ house! YEEEEEEEEEEAAA!!!!!! I don’t really know what we are going to do up there, but I will find out soon.

Last night was the first night of Impact groups, which is a bible study for people in our youth group. The high school girls meet at our house in the basement. It is a lovely time for spiritual growth and fellowship. Also this is kind of a side note, but I Love our books this year. They have multi-colored hearts all over them!

I think that is all for now.

Your busy friend,


This is what happens when you put a caramel apple in the microwave for 4 1/2 minutes longer than what you're supposed to. Opps!!! :0

In speech class I gave a speech on ballet and here is my intro and conclusion…


I once heard a Dancer defined as one who moves, leaps, stretches, and turns, while sweating, panting, moaning, groaning, and complaining. Accompanied to music.


These are nine things I learned in ballet class…

1.                Girls can fly

2.               You can’t fall off the floor (easily)

3.               Keep your toenails short!

4.              Barres are not invincible

5.               They tell you to spot for a reason

6.               It’s not sweat, it’s just a glow

7.              Wet floors are slippery

8.               There is(usually) no such thing as a stupid question

9.               This is right ® and this is left ¬

Saturday 6 October 2012

Saturday, October 06, 2012

I don’t know what to say other than my head hurts, reeeeeeeeaaallllllyyyy BADLY!!!!! So as I said in an earlier post, today I was taking the SAT. I think they sucked my brain out. It is very sad when the proctor of your SAT test doesn’t know how to correctly write the whole alphabet in cursive. Honestly one of the kids asked her how to write a cursive “b” and the proctor wrote “b.” If any of you know true cursive, you know that is not how you write the letter “b.” This is something I learned in second grade and I clearly remember working very hard in Mrs. Moyer’s class so I could get my “Cursive Writing License” before entering into third grade because that meant I was big stuff. Anyways I took the test and the rest is up to God. If you saw me you would notice that I have a sinus infection right now and obviously that did not help me in doing my best on the test, in fact I got almost zero sleep last night. Oh Well. If nothing else it was good practice and afterwards my gracious parents took me out for lunch, which really doesn’t make-up for it but it was thoughtful. This is kind of a side note, but I was sooo happy because I saw some of my friends from elementary school, 4-h, and one friend from church!J

On Friday I went to IUPUI with my daddy. I absolutely think that going and visiting colleges is narrowing down what I want to do in life. I was completely against engineering until yesterday. Actually my mind might be set on Bio. Med. Engineering. It still will take some time, thought, prayer, and perseverance to come to a conclusion. Another major I want to look into is Organizational Leadership and Supervision and if I don’t choose it as a major it will probably be my minor.   

I am so thankful for actually having an idea of what I want to do with my life. I guess I should be thanking my parents for pushing me through the hard times and God for giving me my parents. I am so thankful that I have true joy and hope from my God. He truly comforts me and is always with me and loved me enough to save me from eternal damnation in hell. Thank you dear LORD!

Sincerely grateful,

Taylor Good
I have a picture to show you all, but my mom has my camera right now. It will have to wait.

Fun Facts

Astronauts have to be shorter than 6’ 3” to get the job


In Japan there are square watermelons!


Peanuts are an ingredient in dynamite

You will never know how many new things you can learn in one day till you try. I think this will be one of my life long quotes. J

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Obviously school always has to come before blogging, but this can also make it so that I completely forget to blog. So let me try to fill everyone in on a couple things.

This year in the drama I will be singing alto for the first time. I have always sung 1st soprano which is the complete opposite. It is hard for me to sing low and I think that is why my drama teacher is trying to push me further in my singing range. With some practice I have confidence I will learn how to sing those really low notes.

On Friday I went over to a friend’s house with my siblings. She had the whole youth group come over. It was a most wonderful night filled with sitting around a campfire, singing songs to melodious guitar music, catching up with friends, volleyball, food, and much more! Afterwards I just ended up spending the night since it was so late. J

On Saturday I helped out at the church with a parent conference. I essentially just helped the younger kids with the hot glue gun and cleaned up after them. For lunch I, my mom, and sister went out to McAlister’s. We are reading through the book Girl’s Gone Wise, in a World Gone Wild together. Afterwards we had planned on going to a football game, but there was a miscommunication between my parents so those plans changed.

Sunday was a stressfully hard day. Enough said. w

Since then it has been school, school, and more school. Friday I will go to Latin in the morning then spend the majority of the rest of the day at IUPUI. There is a Harvest party at night I would love to go to, but I really need sleep because I have the SAT this Saturday.


Your Busy Buddy,



Just to make you laugh…

I found this from a book I don’t own called “F in Exams: The Very Best Totally Wrong Test Answers”


Q: What is a nitrate?

A: It is much cheaper than the day rate.


Q: Give a brief explanation of the meaning of the term “Hard Water?”

A: Ice


Q: What is a vacuum?

A: Something my mom says I should use more often


Q: What is the meaning of the term “Activation Energy?”

A: It’s what is needed to get up in the morning


Q: What type of attractive force or bond holds the sodium ions and chloride ions together in a crystal of sodium chloride?

A: James Bond


Q: Over the last 50 years there has been a significant change in the concentration of carbon dioxide. Give a reason for this?

A: It is easily distracted


Q: What are the characteristics of “Crude Oil?”

A: Coarse and rude


Q: Describe the chemical differences between H2O and CO2.

A: H2O is hot water and CO2 is cold water