Wednesday 4 July 2012

This is Autumn. So, a week from today ( July 2 ) is my 13th birthday, and I am so excited! My grandparents are coming here the day after my birthday and staying for a week! This may sound weird, but all I really want for my birthday is a new tank for my little, quarter sized, baby turtle. His tank isn't even a real tank, it is an old plastic container used to hold packets of pretzles. I think he deserves a real tank. You probably don't know this, but when I find an animal outside like a frog for instance, I try to build a habitat for it out of old recyclables (the pretzle container), and once I'm done with that I sit and observe how it eats, breathes, swims or reacts to different things and trust me you could catch me sitting there for hours, then I usually let it go and catch somthing else to observe.And since my parents said that if I find somone to take care of him for the one and a half months we are in Canada, I can keep him. So I did! and the turtle's name is Pistachio. The hotel we moved into today has a horrible view out my window. It's just a parking lot. My room at the other hotel had a view over the city, and at night you could see all the lights.


  1. Autumn, I don't think it would be wise of me to get you a turtle tank and bring it to Canada. Your van is so full now it just can't hold another thing, but maybe you can get one when you get back from Canada. How would that be? It is 101* here for the next 2 days yet. It is hot!!! Wonder if Libby thinks she is adopted by now??? I'm sure she misses your brushings. And your tender loving care..:)

  2. Can't believe you will be 13!! We will have to celebrate your birthday a day late. Do you suppose Pistachio misses you? And Libby probably has given up on ever seeing you again. Boy will she be happy when you get home.

  3. Autumn -- Happy Belated Birthday!!! Looks like you are having a great time there. I was wondering if you had to chew up the food and then put it into the turtles mouth? Now THAT sounds like fun.....hopefully you can find a turtle home for him/her. We have LOTS of turtles at our house -- in the lake. Many are leatherback and they look like prehistoric animals -- quite large. Enjoy your time there....wish I could come for a visit. Brenda
