Wednesday 11 July 2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Yesterday Grandpa and Grandma came up here. We went to a park with them in the late afternoon then came back for a united celebration of Chandler and Autumn’s birthday. Today we all went to the CN Tower together. We went to the observation deck, the sky pod, and the glass floor. The observation deck is 1,136 feet, and then the sky pod is 1,465 feet. On a clear day you are able to see all the way into New York from the sky pod. Finally there was the glass floor which is 1,122 feet and lives up to its name “glass floor.” The floor is 256 square feet of solid glass and can withstand the weight of 14 large hippos. CN stands for Canadian National. The tower was originally built by a railway company creating a large T.V. and radio communication ability. After a trip to the souvenir shop we went out to eat at “Hoops.” Then we drove through Chinatown, Korea town, Little Italy, and a few other cultural streets. We rested a bit in the afternoon before swimming and playing basketball.

 Grandma and Grandpa!!!!

The CN Tower!!!

 Look at all the little people!

There are some pictures that go along with this day trip that will be added to a different post.

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