Friday 22 June 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012

                Today we adventured to Black Creek Pioneer Village where I heard for the first time a Canadian accent. I said I would never speak like one of them, but once I heard it I realized that if you mixed the way a French person speaks with an English accent you get a Canadian accent, which is not so bad. This village is an interactive historic museum similar to Conner Prairie. We were able to learn about Canadian history which doesn’t go back as far as U.S. history, since the Canadians didn’t settle in Canada until they realized that the English would not give up any of their land. We spent approximately four hours exploring the 1800’s different housing styles, trades, and meeting houses. As we explored the thirty acres of fun, we learned about Canadian history, tasted some homemade food, played games, and ate lunch. At lunch mom poured a packet of sugar in her mouth because our waitress was sloooow and mom’s blood sugar was low. At the meeting house we sat through a debate. There were two different school groups, who had to either play the role of the farmers or the government in the debate. The farmers were arguing that the government was not being fair to them by making them farm and create roads for transportation, but the government had some great comebacks on how “gracious” they have always been to the farmers and that the queen was the one, who was really in charge. Anyways to say the least it was quite an intriguing park that I wouldn’t mind revisiting. On the way back mom got lost on the interstate. Oh great! Now we are back at the hotel resting before dinner. Hopefully tonight we will go out for pizza!
Grayson, Toni, Bobbi
                                                    pictues at the hotel


                                          Last night- Beautiful

                                                    1850 photography studio
                                          I LOVE this jacket!!!

                                                    We were bored :)

  •    Chandler’s friends Bobbi and Toni, the little boys from Egypt, taught him how to say “hello” in Arabic “Alun” it is pronounced ŏ-lōōn. The first “o” is short the two “o’s” sound like the two “o’s” in the word cool.
  •   The one dollar coin in Canada is called a “Loonie”

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't lost...just missed an exit when Jerry was calling me. Need to listen to GPS! :) MOM
