Wednesday 20 June 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Today we woke up at 3:00 and we left for the airport at 4:30. I got a sweet tea for the ride to the airport. Once we got to the airport we dropped off the rental car and then rode the escalators up. Autumn, who hates escalators, about had a heart attack.  Daddy had checked us in online so we were able to head straight to security check-in. Thankfully we all made it through security with no problems. Now we are waiting at the airport for our plane to be ready for boarding. It is 5:45 A.M. and now daddy wants me to fill out paperwork. Oh Great! The paperwork was easy to fill out. I got a mango smoothie for my “hard” work. Yum! Today I saw my first real life shoe-shiner. If it wasn’t for Autumn I wouldn’t have seen the shoe shiner. We have ½ an hour before we can board the plane. L We have boarded the plane!!! Autumn got the window seat while I sat in the middle next to some guy who really liked to read books. The flight attendant was slightly humorous as she sang the airplane safety instructions. My ears feel funny. At first I felt light headed, such as when I was given laughing gas, but I’m better now. When the flight attendant came around I just ordered water since I had no idea what else I was allowed to get. Before landing I looked out the window and pointed to some objects below saying to Autumn “look at all those cars!” only to find out they were houses. Go figure! Our first flight to midway- Chicago was sooooo short. Autumn liked landing the best because she felt like she was on a roller coaster. Now we are waiting for our connecting flight. It is funny to think we left at 7:30 and arrived at 7:20. This is because of the time difference. Our second flight leaves around 9:30, headed for Buffalo/ Niagra, New York. We boarded the plane and I got to eat pretzels. Yum! They did that because there was a peanut allergy on board the plane. We met up with mom at Denny’s. After traveling this much, all the food on the menu looked delightful and seemed to taste exceptionally delicious. At 2:57 we officially made it into Canada and past customs. Yea! What a relief. We crossed over a three mile long bridge over an inlet of the great lake Ontario. I was the last one packed for Canada, but the first one unpacked. I guess I don’t really like to live out of suitcases.J I really like the hotel. It is a Residence Inn so they are accommodating to people who need a place to stay for longer than a nice little vacation. I took a nice warm shower and made some hot tea. Right now I am curled up with my fur blanket and cup of tea, ready for bed. As I look outside my window I see planes coming and going because we are so close to the airport. I think I will like it here.

                At the end of each entry I will include any differences between Canada and the U.S.

  • Their construction barrels are black and orange instead of white and orange
  •           Their gallons of milk are sold in plastic bags instead of plastic containers
  • All the signs have English first and then French where as we have English and then Spanish



  1. Taylor! This will be a wonderful way to keep us all up to date on your adventures. Thank you for sharing. We miss you already but are excited for you and your Canadian adventure! I know your dad must be thrilled to have you there. Enjoy. I am praying for you daily.

    Love, Mrs. Barge

  2. Hi Taylor!! Thanks for doing the blog. It will be nice to read all about it and see your beautiful faces.:) Michelle
