Friday 10 August 2012

Friday, August 10, 2012

On Wednesday my family had planned on going to the state fair, but that didn’t seem to work out. Instead I spent the day with some of my friends at the fair. I’m not a big country music fan, but my friends are, so we went and saw Easton Corbin. He was performing on the free stage at the fair. At the end of the concert my friend got her picture with him. We rode rides until it started pouring down rain. We were stuck in a torrential downpour. When we finally made it to the van, I could ring out my clothes because they were so completely soaked. I don’t have a curfew yet although I know another phone call to my worried parents wouldn’t have hurt. Thankfully I made it home around mid-night. The next morning our cleaning ladies came in while I was warming up my voice for my drama auditions. Oh well. J Auditions seemed to go okay. I am not a confident singer, but I can act. I won’t know if I made it until a few weeks go by. Hopefully I can find out sooner. The musical will be “Anne of Green Gables.” After auditions our family went to the state fair. My little brother received a blue ribbon for his entomology project. Yea! I ate sooo much food at the fair. After walking around looking at animals, eating food, and watching lumber jacks, me and two of my siblings went to Great Times. My brother and sister went go karting while I sat and talked. Today was my first day of SAT prep. Class. What fun… not! This class seems to be extremely helpful, but I won’t really know until I take the SAT. Thankfully I only have one more day of it and then I will be done! Tonight I am going to my friends sweet sixteen party. I can’t wait! Until then…



  1. Replies
    1. Who is the fellow in the picture with you???

    2. He is my friends younger brother. For safety purposes I cannot reveal his name without his consent first.
