Saturday 11 August 2012

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Today I had my last day of SAT preparation class!!!! Yea! Essentially it was SAT boot camp. It has given me the confidence to take the SAT and know that if I follow a few rules I can be a SAT machine.  At lunch I had a good discussion on the importance of college. Talking about different things, such as college, helps me develop what I want to do with my life. I have always wanted to leave high school, get married, and have kids. Today I realized that my idea of a “perfect life” is probably not going to happen and has made me think more about actually going to college.  I know how hard it is for even college educated men and women to get jobs, little lone being un-college educated. If you have input on what to do after high school I would love to hear whether by e-mail or in the comment box below. The conversation became a little tense and if you are reading this and were a part of the conversation and felt hurt by the conversation I would like to personally ask for forgiveness because during the conversation everyone was convinced that they knew what was best, but the best is different for everyone. Afterwards I stayed and helped clean up since the director was my ride home. Now I am at home doing laundry.

New vocabulary words – quintessential… perfect example; pulchritudinous… beautiful
VERY FUNNY ...........

I also was told by a friend of mine to look up and listen to a few songs from a group called “Smashing Pumpkins.” Their songs are unique. Honestly I am at a loss for words to describe their group. I think I like the lyrics of their songs better than the music, but I need to listen to the songs a few more times before I can give an overall report on their music. Recently I have been listening to a song by Owl City and Carly Rae Jepsen called “Good Time” and a few songs by Cher Loyd, specifically “Love me for me” because of the guitar and some of the words.

Also a follow up on the lip balms I bought earlier this week. There was no notable difference when I used the night balm, but I diligently put on lip balm so a Night Balm is not necessary for me. My lips are usually plenty hydrated and soft. The Mentha Supreme is wonderful because it not only moisturizes, but also gives off a breath freshening aroma. I will probably be purchasing it again. The My Favorite lip balm has been one of my personal favorites for its moisturizing abilities, scent, and the way it looks after applied.

Last night I went to my friends sweet sixteen party. We talked and played Ultimate Frisbee and talked and ate and talked and opened presents and talked and had fun out under the stars and talked and played another game and did I mention we talked. J Yes when you get girls together there must be talking. I had a lot of fun and realized I can sort of catch and throw a frisbee. With a little more practice I might actually stand a chance playing with the youth group. I got home close to midnight and by the time I finished getting ready for bed and doing the SAT class homework it was close to 1:30 when I could finally close my dreary eyes and go to sleep for a few hours before waking up and preparing for another day of intense SAT training.

School is coming right around the corner and I figured that I should have some sort of goals. This is not anywhere near an exhaustive list, but here are just a couple of the things I plan on achieving or I just think might be fun…

       I.            Get A’s as my overall grades in each class

   II.            Become good friends with 10 new people

III.            Say a prayer of everything I am thankful for each day

 IV.            Keep up with my journaling

    V.            Get my driver’s license before Christmas

 VI.            Eat a new type of food

VII.            Do something that scares me

VIII.            Take the SAT

 IX.            Figure out what my major is going to be in college

     X.            Do my devotions diligently each night

 XI.            Smile frequently

XII.            Go to the movie theatre in the early hours of the morning

XIII.            Throw yogurt at a squirrel (Thank you Anna!)

XIV.            Get all dressed up- the dress, the shoes, the hair, the works!

XV.            Learn how to do something new

Okay I am going to stop there for now before I make too many commitments.

Your friend, sister, daughter, niece, granddaughter, acquaintance,


1 comment:

  1. Taylor, You make me so tired just by reading everything you want to do. Bless you and God help you get all these things
