Wednesday 22 August 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

School has officially started and all I can say is AAAHHHHH! My wise mother took my I-pod and camera away for this first week of school so as to not have any distractions. Just in the first few days I’ve realized I have zero abilities in drawing, know very little about U.S. history, stumble on my words when speaking in front of people, and confirmed I do not like learning English. On the other hand I am a few weeks ahead in Bible class, absolutely LOVE marine biology, am enjoying an easy beginning in pre-calculus, and cannot wait for the drama cast list to be sent out. Latin and drama classes won’t start up until September making life a little sweeter, but only a little.J

Yesterday I took the written portion of the driving test and after about 20 minutes, I passed! Yea!!! Next Wednesday I will hopefully be taking the driving portion of the test and pass. If I do pass I will be able to finally get my license. After waiting over a year to complete the driver’s education course, get a permit, drive 40 hours during the day and 10 at night, have 6 instructed drives, memorize the drivers manual, take a written test, and take the driving test then and only then can I go and get my license. What a long and drawn out process this has been. At least it is almost over.

Grayson celebrated his 10th birthday. He wanted an I-pod touch, but there was a misunderstanding and he got a Nano instead. We will probably return it as soon as possible so he can get his I-pod touch. He also wanted a certain kind of Nerf gun and scooter both of which he got. He had a Lego themed birthday with all of his church friends. If you look in the pictures you’ll notice that he is sharing his birthday party with his friend who also has an August birthday. The moms decided sharing the party would be easier than to have two separate parties two weeks in a row.
 Lego rice krispies                              Birthday cake                  

 Obstacle race with hard boiled egg on a spoon (left: team1 Grayson's team; right: team2 Trey's team)

Afterwards we hung out with Grandpa and Grandma

Your friend,

Taylor Good

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