Wednesday 29 August 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I GOT MY LISCENSE TODAY!!! I went in and took the driving test and passed! I have officially completed one of my goals! Also I am almost positive that I will complete at least most of the other goals I listed in my August 11th post before 1 year goes by.

On Monday my art class partner wasn’t able to show up and I was supposed to draw her so we improvised and I drew my brother instead. I don’t blame her for not showing up to be drawn by me. I have no drawing ability whatsoever. I think I might begin to like English class more now that I have gotten to know the teacher a little better. She is also my drama teacher and I love her spunky teaching style. Next week I will begin Latin sadly, but on the bright side my Monday and Tuesday classes will be on Labor Day break.

So for an update…

On Sunday I went home with some friends of mine and we spent the afternoon swimming. I forgot to take picture at the pool. Oh well. That night I played Ultimate Frisbee or at least attempted to.

On Monday I had art which I mentioned above and made a quick video, but it won’t be posted for a while.

On Tuesday I had classes and gave an introduction speech in speech class. If you would have heard me say it, you would have thought the fast forward button was stuck. I spoke quicker than I ever have spoken before. One person filled out their listener response sheet and the only thing they wrote was VERY HYPER! I guess nervousness brings out my speedy side.

Today I took the driving test, got my license, and did homework. Also if you are going to take the driving test remember to practice parallel parking. I parked almost correctly, but not enough to really count as parallel parking. My instructor let me get by with it because it was fairly close to what I was supposed to do and I had proved to her that my other parking abilities were good. Remember it is better to wait and take your time than to become so nervous that you try to rush through it. Also if you are taking the written portion of the test study the signs and you will get a large majority of the answers correct. It is good to know the driver’s manual forwards and backwards, but I noticed that the signs seemed to be the most important to them. Lastly if you look out into the world and see how many people have their driver’s license, you will realize that there are more people with their license, at least in the United States, then there are without. That should be of some consolation to you knowing that getting your license is some work and a lot of practice, but anyone can do it and many people do accomplish it. Also God already knows what will happen when you sit down to take that test. If it is his will for you to pass, then you will. Otherwise just keep on working at it.

Your friend and driving counselorJ,

 My friend's pretty pink pointe shoes
 This was Sunday night with my youth Pastor and his wife (very funny)

Chandler, my brother, is a part of the puppet team. He is in the back row holding up the grandpa with gray hair or if you look just to the right of the cross in the background.

As a reminder my mom also has a blog. Here is the link:

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